
Mastodon + Cats + “Asleep In The Deep” = This Trippy New Music Video

Do we really know anything about a metalhead’s fondness for felines? Do we really know anything about felines in general aside from their smushy whisker faces and adorable beany

10 years ago

Do we really know anything about a metalhead’s fondness for felines? Do we really know anything about felines in general aside from their smushy whisker faces and adorable beany toes and their gentle purrs?

I suppose not, but what we have here is one psychedelic look at the planar adventures of one fine tabby who finds himself in a situation beyond recognition or understanding. This experience brings him to shrunken-headed zombie cats, another dimension, a frog fortune teller/foreseer, a rat companion, a three-faced werewol-rat-looking thing, and eventually back into the loving arms of his owner.

Here’s the video for Mastodon‘s “Asleep in the Deep” from their 2014 album Once More ‘Round the Sun. Here’s our review, in case you missed it.

I don’t really know. I don’t know anything.

I have to give it up to Mastodon for having the most inventive music videos. They’re pretty much always interesting to watch and will often be the topic of discussion, whether it’s a “twerk controversy” with the video for “The Motherload” or the trippy visualizations of “Dry Bone Valley,” the band will always give you something interesting to see.

“Asleep in the Deep” is no exception, but it makes me wonder about the direction. Was the tale always of a cat? Who the Hell thought this up? Do I shake their hand or send them to rehab? Is life even a little bit real?

All these questions answered and more, on the next Dragon Ball Z.


Kyle Gaddo

Published 10 years ago