
Heavy Podcast Is Heavy – Soundtrack To The Night #2

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to Soundtrack to the Night, Heavy Blog Is Heavy’s off-the-cuff playlist video review series! It’s admittedly been a while since we debuted this

10 years ago

S2tN Ep2

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to Soundtrack to the Night, Heavy Blog Is Heavy’s off-the-cuff playlist video review series! It’s admittedly been a while since we debuted this new feature earlier this year, but we were serious when we said this was going to be a recurring thing! For those who either missed this the first time around or need a refresher, here’s the gist. We take a playlist of 6 albums from our beautiful staff or elsewhere, and Heavy Blog editor Eden Kupermintz offers brief analysis of each album, focusing more on immediate feelings and how they work in concert with each other than in-depth criticisms. In this episode, we feature a playlist hand-picked by longtime friend of the blog Andrew Westlake. See the episode and links to further reading/listening after the jump!

Here’s a list of the albums discussed in this episode (with links to audio streams and reviews from us where applicable):

  1. Lights & Motion – Chronicle [album stream]
  2. Arcane – Known/Learned [review] [album stream]
  3. Arcade Messiah – Arcade Messiah [album stream]
  4. James Norbert Ivanyi – The Matter Circumvention [“Hey! Listen To” post] [track stream]
  5. Holotropic – Permeate [album stream]
  6. Culprate – Deliverance [album stream]

So there you have it, definitely a bit of a mixed bag in terms of things that really left a lasting and positive impact on Eden. As Eden stressed though, every album was worth his time listening for one reason or another, and if any of them sound in any way interesting to any of you be sure to give them a listen yourself and form your own opinions!

We’re still very much working out the kinks of this format, so all comments and feedback are absolutely welcome. Also, be sure to comment either here, on Facebook, or on Youtube with your own 6-album playlist suggestions. Our next episode will be a reader submission, so your playlist could be the one!


Nick Cusworth

Published 10 years ago