
Get That ‘Motherfucker’ With The First New Faith No More Song In 17 Years

We know it’s coming. A new Faith No More album. They’ve already shown us brand new material and touched upon the influences behind it. Today the world gets

10 years ago

Dustin Rabin Photography, Faith No More, FNM, Dustin Rabin

We know it’s coming. A new Faith No More album. They’ve already shown us brand new material and touched upon the influences behind it.

Today the world gets a taste of brand new studio music from the band in seventeen years with “Motherfucker.” It’s been a hell of a wait.

The song echoes the overall tone of “Pristina”, the 1997 swan song that closed out Album of the Year, but contrasts its finality with a rejuvenated motif about getting “that motherfucker.” Several aspects of the track are reminiscent of other pieces in Faith No More’s body of work, including 1989’s The Real Thing and other pieces of Album of the Year.

Keyboardist Roddy Bottum says that the song is about accountability. “Basically we’ve created, recorded and mixed a new body of work by ourselves and we’re releasing it on our own label. It’s a huge deal for us to only have ourselves to answer to at this point in our career and the song is about that, where the buck stops via the basic imagery of foie gras production, bondage…y’know, stuff like that,” he said.

Bassist Billy Gould has gone on record to say that the album is entirely produced by him, and has been recorded in the band’s Oakland rehearsal space. The currently unnamed record will be released via Reclamation Records, their very own label imprint.

How’re you feeling about this new material? Upon first listen, I wasn’t too impressed, but repeated listens bring out the important aspects of the song and really bring home that Faith No More vibe.



Kyle Gaddo

Published 10 years ago