What do you do when you need to up your first music video? Namely one that acted as a peanut-butter covered ode to comic legend Stan Lee? Well, according to crushing and brutal death metal act Killitorous, who feature members of Vital Remains and The Kindred, you put together something altogether more stomach churning and gleefully title it ‘Fecal Fellatio‘. If you hadn’t guessed already, it’s pretty NSFW and depending on the current state of your disposition/how many times you watched Peter Jackson’s Bad Taste, there’s a chance it probably even borders on NSFL.
As before though, the music is an unrelentless mix of blastbeats and bone-crushing riffs that should sate the thirst of anyone that likes their death metal completely inhuman and sporting a (pun intended) shit-eating grin on it.
The track is taken from the band’s recently released debut Party, Grind, which you can grab a special edition copy of from the band themselves on their current tour, the dates of which are available here, ahead of it’s normal release later this year.
– DL