
Revocation Reveal ‘The Labyrinth of the Eyes’

Anyone remotely familiar with the death and thrash scenes has without a doubt heard the name Revocation once or twice. The Boston natives have done an exemplary job of establishing

10 years ago

Revocation - Deathless

Anyone remotely familiar with the death and thrash scenes has without a doubt heard the name Revocation once or twice. The Boston natives have done an exemplary job of establishing their place in both genres in a very short period of time. The band has already released two singles from their upcoming album Deathless, and just in case the band hasn’t gotten you pumped enough yet, they’ve provided further enticement with a new track from the album, titled ‘Labyrinth of the Eyes,’ streaming courtesy of Metal Underground.

There is not much to say about the track: it is Revocation being beautiful as usual. Seriously, anyone that dislikes the track should consult their personal taste for death and thrash.

Deathless will be released through Metal Blade October 14th and can be pre-ordered here.


Scott Murphy

Published 10 years ago