Do you like exclusively clean vocals? Do you like progressive rock with a bit of a groovy, even djent-y edge to it? Will you listen to anything that comes out of the San Francisco Bay Area music scene? Well then, have I got the band for you! They’re called Sea in the Sky and though they liken themselves to Periphery, CHON and Polyphia, I hear flashes of swancore bands like Dance Gavin Dance, Stolas and Hail the Sun. They’re releasing a new album on September 29th called Everything All at Once, but luckily we can listen to two singles from it right this very moment!
The First song is called “Neck Romancer”, which is more of a laid back affair, starting with a groovy guitar part with note choices that remind me of Animals as Leaders. It ends up heading into some very expressive clean vocals that leave little to be desired, especially with the influences they’ve listed above. The song ramps up a bit near the end, but this track seems that it more relies on the expressive vocal delivery to hold the listener’s attention. Next up is “Everything All At Once”, this single both the title track and last song of the album so it’s quite the showstopper. It combines a heavier, more energetic instrumental with the expressive vocals mentioned previously with a bit more oomph thrown in for good measure. The chorus is killer on all fronts and really gets me excited to hear how far they’ve come from their last EP. Ff these songs are any example of how the album is going to be, I would say that it’s something well worth keeping an ear on.
If you’re interested in diving further into their discography, I recommend listening to their previous EP Visions. It’s very well put together progressive rock that is more akin to the djent influence listed above, though I would definitely throw Plini in that group for good measure, because there are definitely some parts on the EP that remind me of his particular upbeat style of djent.
If you’re interested in preordering the record digitally and physically, you can do so here!