In 2015 Native Construct’s fantastic debut Quiet World took the community by storm. We at HeavyBlog loved it so much that we placed it at #3 in our Top

8 years ago

In 2015 Native Construct’s fantastic debut Quiet World took the community by storm. We at HeavyBlog loved it so much that we placed it at #3 in our Top 50 albums of 2015. It truly was a great album, flush with brilliantly executed genre-transitions, vibrant compositions, a grandiose concept, technically accomplished playing and a flair for originality. If you loved that sound as much as we did and you’re aching for something similar, then look no further than Others By No One’s debut EP Book 1: Dr. Breacher. Check it out below!

The EP is made up of just three songs, but that doesn’t stop it from clocking in at over 35 minutes in length. The compositions and, in particular, the vocals are extremely theatric as the band bring to life a sci-fi concept replete with hope, loss, time travel and a desperate mad scientist. Having enlisted the talents of Jamie King, a producer who has worked extensively with Between the Buried and Me amongst a host of other notable artists, the production is well-balanced and polished for a debut. It’s clear that BTBAM and Native Construct are core influences, as the band utilise a host of different instruments and cross numerous genre boundaries, not least funk, progressive metal and classical amongst others. Despite leaning heavily on their influences, they execute their ambitions well enough to stand on their own feet.

At times it can feel like there is too much going on and they can certainly refine their songwriting, but such growing pains are only natural for a young band and it is clear we’re witnessing a star on the rise. In particular, the near 20-minute closing track is fantastic, featuring a guest vocal spot from none other than Native Construct’s Robert Edens and some delightfully monstrous grooves. This is a debut which certainly deserves your time, and we very much look forward to where they head next.

Karlo Doroc

Published 8 years ago