In case you didn’t see the news, So Hideous are now streaming their new sophomore album, Laurestine, in its entirety over at All Music. You should absolutely head over there and listen to it as soon as you possibly can because it’s great, and also because we’ve got a couple of So Hideous-related items of our own today. Our review will be going up shortly, but first, you can now watch the entirety of our filmed live set from over the summer. We already premiered the videos for “Yesteryear” and “Relinquish,” and now you can hear second and fourth tracks “Hereafter” and “The Keepsake” along with it. Check out this brilliant set after the jump!
0:00 – “Yesteryear”
8:00 – “Hereafter”
14:04 – “Relinquish”
21:04 – “The Keepsake”
I’ve already said a great deal about both this set and the music present within it, and I have plenty more to say in my review of the album, so I’ll just say this. The four songs present here, which are also the first four tracks off of Laurestine, form an exceedingly good song cycle on their own. If you haven’t seen the band play live yet, make sure to go out and see them next time they come your way because, as you can see above, their live shows match the energy and beauty of the studio material in pretty much every way.
Laurestine is out this Friday through Prosthetic Records, and keep your eye out for our review of the album later today.