Hipster black metal kids who name drop Darkthrone rejoice, and basement dwelling black metal elitists beware, as Deafheaven has released a new track. The track is titled “Brought To The Water” and will be the opening track on their newest album, New Bermuda, due out October 2nd. Surprisingly, the track shows the band drawing a bit more on their black metal influence, carrying a significantly darker energy than what was present on much of Sunbather, at least until about the 3 minute mark where they settle back into their groove of shoegaze shimmers amidst the black metal attacks. By 4 minutes in, the track has safely tread back into familiar Deafheaven territory, giving break to a massive, major key, post rock-black metal burst that carries the track through until its end. Also noticeable is that vocalist George Clarke is not mixed incredibly low into the background this time around, and helps to serve as the forefront of the song for most of its run time. Head on over the jump for the stream!
In other major news regarding Deafheaven, it would seem that they have finally won their trve kvlt credibility, much to the dismay of internet black metal activists who now have to find a new band to rain their divine hatred upon. Pictured below is Deafheaven sharing beers with none other than Abbath from Immortal, who is even seen smiling in the picture, suggesting he may be a fan of their work. That smile, however, does also raise questions about Abbath and the credibility of this photo. Is that really Abbath? Or some imposter? And can we trust Abbath to be a judge of trve kvlt credibility anymore? Smiling, after all, does not seem very grim OR frost bitten. Only time will tell, but for now enjoy the new single from the sunbathers themselves, Deafheaven.