All hail the Internet, for without it we would not have white hot tracks like this to share with you all. A Transatlantic project stretching from sunny Scotland (it’s yo’ boy Matt MacLennan, of course there’s a Scottish element involved) all the way to the plains of Missouri (dunno if Missouri has plains or not, sounds good though), Frontierer play a type of archaic math metal that will split as many heads as it turns. After already releasing an album a few short years ago, this project is gearing up to dish out another brutal full length and you can check out the opening track right now.
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 track=3372971684 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e99708 tracklist=false artwork=small]
“Bunsen” is a call to arms for fans of destructive, devilish music; the likes of which hasn’t been heard since Ion Dissonance and The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza last spat out records. The opening jitters give way fairly fucking quickly into a whirlwind of screeches, sweeps and sick grooves. All that’s left for the captive audience is a breakneck excursion into just how much assault the human ear can take in just over two minutes. Electronics and precise stabs of extreme guitar abuse are just what the doctor ordered for anyone feeling a bit dusty. You might find yourself complaining that you’re just getting psyched before the track finishes. Well, to that I say… Tough. Play it again and get pumped for the release of Orange Mathematics later this year. If you keep your ears to the ground and your eyes on Heavy Blog then you’ll get more soon enough. I’m such a tease.