
Former Metal Alliance-turned Deicide Headline Tour Cursed, Cancelled

It seems the Metal Alliance-turned Deicide headline tour is, in fact, cursed, and now officially cancelled. The tour came to an abrupt and unceremonious end earlier this week following a

10 years ago

Metall Alliance

It seems the Metal Alliance-turned Deicide headline tour is, in fact, cursed, and now officially cancelled. The tour came to an abrupt and unceremonious end earlier this week following a series of mishaps and unfortunate circumstances surrounding two of the remaining bands, Hate Eternal and Lorna Shore. Head on over the jump for yet another installment of tour shenanigans.

The first in the succession of announcements bearing bad news came this past Sunday and announced Lorna Shore’s very much justified and unfortunate departure from the tour:

“To those attending or planning to attend the remaining dates of The Deicide Headliner/Metal Alliance tour we are sad to say we will not be able to finish the rest of the tour. Unfortunately there have been multiple passings in a few members family’s and in this time of need, they are choosing to be with their families and we hope you can support our decision as we feel family is always first. We will be sure to be back in the areas we cancelled this year and our apologies are the most sincere. We highly advise you check out the rest of the tour and thank them for having us out! We apologize again and thank you for sticking with us.”

We at Heavy Blog extend our condolences to the members of Lorna Shore during this difficult time.

The bad news didn’t stop there, though. Just hours later, we received word that Hate Eternal guitarist Erik Rutan had sustained a hand injury that would prevent the band from playing that night’s show in Austin, TX.

“After last night’s set in Lubbock, Erik suffered an injury during load-out to his playing hand (left hand) that will cause Hate Eternal to miss tonight’s show in Austin. Sitting out tonight is not what we want to do, but it is at the behest of the ER doctor that saw him last night.
Hate Eternal is en route to Dallas now with the intent to play tomorrow. Erik will see another doctor in the am to have the injury treated and evaluated once again.”

A second announcement came the following morning confirming what some had begun to fear:

“An update re: Erik’s hand injury
Due to the nature of the injury and persistent swelling, the doctor has advised Erik to not use the hand at all for the next 4-5 days minimum. As such, this spells the end of the Deicide/Metal Alliance tour for Hate Eternal.
The immediate plan is to get back to Tampa and have Erik’s hand reevaluated again, and figure out when he can play again.
Plans are in the works for a fall tour, and we’ll be doing our best to hit the places we’re missing this week. We’ll update you all on that just as soon as we have news.
Thank you all for your patience, understanding and well-wishes. We’re looking forward to seeing you all on the road again this fall.”

Thus, the fate of the godforsaken Metal Alliance-turned Deicide headline tour was sealed. The good news? In the wake of the tour’s cancellation, supporting acts Black Crown Initiate and Svart Crown have announced a one-off show this Friday in Baltimore. Check out the Facebook event for tickets and more info!


Heavy Blog

Published 10 years ago