A while ago, our hearts sank as we learned that A Sense Of Gravity‘s guitarist quit the band. Casting a cloud over one of the most promising acts of recent years, the move was met with an overall concern for the future of the band and album number 2. The band told us to relax and that they were going to push through and it appears that they have. Introducing Morgan Wick! Head on over the jump to check out this guy’s insane skills.
Well. Was that new material at the beginning there? Band members responded with cryptic emoticons when approached (dammit, Internet!). Regardless, Mr. Wick can obviously play. Ripping through the riffs and solos replete through Travail in the video above, he very much sets our hearts at ease. Even more excitingly, the video promises that the band are working on album number 2! Whenever that comes out, you’ll know. Prepare.