The fact that this is deemed national news worthy is a bit of a joke in itself (slow news day over here in the UK apparently) but Alex Teyen, vocalist of “doom core” band Black Tongue, has sustained injuries after falling out of their tour vehicle while it was in motion. The band has subsequently dropped off the Chelsea Grin/Veil of Maya tour of Europe. More hijinks after the jump.
The incident occurred while Black Tongue were travelling on a motorway between Poland and Germany. What can be gathered from reports is that Teyen needed to relieve himself a la number one. Whether or not the facilities were occupied or whether he just fancied a breeze on his nethers, he was quickly met with the answer to the question — “What’s behind door number two?” That door was, in fact, the vehicle’s exit which lead out onto the highway.
It is still unclear how serious his injuries are but the band have since pulled themselves from the remainder of the tour, scheduled to run until the 27th of February.
In all seriousness, whether or not alcohol was involved (it was), we wish him well and a swift recovery. The butterfly effect of these events have fortunately transpired to open up space on the rest of the tour dates. I’ll be attending the Glasgow show to catch From Sorrow To Serenity playing in their place. There truly is a silver lining to every black cloud.
The rest of the tour dates are as follows:
02/12 Paris, FRA – Nouveau Casino
02/13 Brighton, UK – Audio
02/14 Manchester, UK – Club Academy
02/15 Glasgow, UK – Classic Grand
02/16 Birmingham, UK – O2 Academy 2
02/17 Cardiff, UK – CF10
02/18 London, UK – Underworld
02/19 Aarschot, BEL – De Klinker
02/20 Esch/Alzette, LUX – Kulturfabrik
02/21 Geneve, SWI – L’Usine
02/22 Aarau, SWI – Kiff
02/23 München, GER – Backstage
02/24 Brescia, ITA – Circolo Colony
02/25 Wien, AUT – Arena
02/26 Budapest, HUN – A38
02/27 Karlsruhe, GER – Substage