
Farewell, 2014: A Special Message To Our Readers

We’ve written an awful lot of long, text-laden posts this week, but now that we are officially at the end of our 2014 output, we wanted to switch things

10 years ago


We’ve written an awful lot of long, text-laden posts this week, but now that we are officially at the end of our 2014 output, we wanted to switch things up and speak to you through a different medium. Watch our message to you, dear readers, after the jump.

Without repeating the video too much, we just want to wholeheartedly offer our gratitude to each and every one of you who has followed us, read our articles/reviews, watched our videos, commented, shared, and all-in-all helped make this a terrific year for Heavy Blog Is Heavy. There have been a lot of really awesome things we’ve been able to do this year (some of which we’ll be re-posting to our Facebook page these last couple weeks of the year), and we have a lot of ideas and plans to make 2015 an even better experience for all of you. Heavy Blog is, as it always has been, a labor of love for everyone involved. We don’t get paid for any of this (no, not even for favorable votes in end-of-year lists, thank you very much), and we don’t expect that to change anytime soon. But it is our promise to you that we will continue to do everything we can to shine a spotlight on fantastic music around the world, bring you entertaining interviews, videos, and other exclusives, and make this place an oasis in a desert of internet crap and clickbait.

Once again and always, thank you for reading. All of us are just a bunch of nerds who enjoy babbling incessantly about this stuff, and we’re just glad to have some people who actually seem to want to listen to it. Enjoy your respective end-of-year celebrations, and see you in 2015!


Heavy Blog

Published 10 years ago