In case you haven’t heard before, Swedish melodic death metal band Scar Symmetry are working on a triple album titled The Singularity. Yeah, they’re going to release three albums in a rather short time frame. It’s pretty crazy. They’ve released the first single from the first part of the album, titled “Limits to Infinity”, and it’s pretty cool.
Following their “Bon Jovi but death metal” approach from 2011″s The Unseen Empire, this song is also a mix of glorious cheesy 80s rock and Soilwork style melodeath. Fans who prefer the heavier side of the band might be disappointed by this track except for the short interlude in the second half of the song, but given that the band are writing three albums of material, this is clearly just the tip of the iceberg. I can appreciate the full on arena rock styled parts, but the nonsensical lyrics are more bothersome to me. Hey, at least it’s better than the ridiculous conspiracy stuff on The Unseen Empire. The name makes the album sound like a concept album though, so it’s better to wait for the whole picture to cast judgment on that. Regardless, The Singularity (Phase I Neohumanity) will be out on the 14th of October on Nuclear Blast.