Spoiler alert: it’s weird. Trash Talk are a band known for their take-no-prisoner attitude. The hardcore trio are used to unleashing chaos in all of their shows, whether in organized venues or simply retrofitted, industrial spaces. If you’re looking for a taste of what the band can accomplish live, check out this video we grabbed of them a while ago in Omaha. After that, head on over the jump for the insanity that is their new video.
So, this new video that comes to life over at Noisey, features just about everything: high speed chases? Check. Petty theft? Check. Demonic drinks that possess you and induce such a bad trip you find yourself on a brush with hell? Check. The track itself is good old Trash Talk: fast, chuggy and down right pissed off at everything.
What’s better is that the video’s art direction was handled by Jay Howell, best known for his work Fox’s Bob’s Burgers and Nickelodeon’s Sanjay & Craig. Kinda bizarre to see the exact same animation style of a popular children’s cartoon being used in this context, but I’m sure that’s exactly what they were going for.