Torrential Downpour, whom you may remember from the compilation we put together late last year, have finally set in stone their plans for new music in 2014, with the announcement that they’ll be bringing their brand of spaced-out, technical spazz metal to us in the form of a new album, entitled Truth Knowledge Vision. Thankfully, that’s not all, as the group also unveiled a new track — the curiously named ‘Satan, Whatever…‘.
The track and announcement comes via Metal Insider, who also gave insight into how this track earned it’s name:
“with the track ‘Satan, Whatever…’ we specifically call out the genre we embrace… It’s our way of stripping the stigmas from a genre that gets pigeonholed too often.”
If you’re at all familiar with their alien sound, then you know it’s a non-stop riot of turn-on-a-dime changes, synths that ooze and creep with unfamiliarity and some insane riffs to top it off. So be on the look out come June 10th, when Truth Knowledge Vision drops June 10th.
– DL