Disentomb, has
revealed details for their forthcoming album, entitled Misery, to be released via New Standard Elite later this year. From the band’s Facebook page:Prepare yourself for our next album MISERY. 10 tracks of next level Brutal Death mixed with doomed out funeral slams, intense blasting, bleak atmosphere and ultra guttural vocals. New Standard Elite will be releasing pre-orders in the coming months. MISERY is approaching and it will consume all.
I. The Genesis of Misery
II. An Edifice of Archbeastial Impurity
III. Abominations Created Through Divinity
IV. The Promethean Altar
V. Vultures Descend
VI. Pyres Built From their Severed Wings
VII. Chthonic Gateways
VIII. Megaliths of Despair
IX. Forced Adornment of The Funerary Crown
X. Sentinels of The Bleak
“Next level brutal death”? “Doomed out funeral slams”? Sounds freaking awesome to me. As if those monikers don’t get you stoked enough, check out that artwork. Seriously, the artwork for Misery has to be one of the darkest, bleakest and most brutal pieces of album art I’ve seen in a while. For those of you not familiar with Disentomb, get acquainted by streaming their debut full-length Sunken Chambers of Nephilim below. If you dig Disgorge, Defeated Sanity or Suffocation, Disentomb will be right up your alley.
[bandcamp width=100% height=142 album=2064519543 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]
– AL