Ok, maybe I jumped the gun a little on the last post. But this one contains a lot less conjecture and a hell of a lot more ‘straight from the horses mouth’, as it were. Hype for Z2 is building, the follow up album to Devin Townsend‘s coffee-based space opera Ziltoid The Omniscient has been long talked about but it seems that the jigsaw pieces are finally beginning to amass as the Hevy Devy himself tweeted earlier today concerning his full plans for the album. The full collection of tweets reads as follows:
So recording of Z2 starts May 2nd in LA! The project started so far include ztv a big graphic novel comic, a documentary and crazy live show
The pledge starts in about a week, and although it’s as Casualties Of Cool, all additional funding goes directly into Ziltoid and Z2
The amount we’re planning is crazy…and a ton of fun I think. Just taken forever to sort out and make plans for :)
Smiley face indeed, Devin. That’s a huge undertaking considering the huge range of projects that are revolving around it, but if there’s anyone that can take on that huge workload and produce the goods then it’s Devin. And with that recording schedule, maybe we can even expect something early next year or even late this year. Here’s to hoping.
– DL