
Junius Streaming New Single, ‘Forgiving The Cleansing Meteor’

I’ve always had a flirting enjoyment with shoegazing alt rock group Junius, but I never quite committed to fandom. Not entirely sure why that is, because the sort of

11 years ago

junius days of the fallen sun

I’ve always had a flirting enjoyment with shoegazing alt rock group Junius, but I never quite committed to fandom. Not entirely sure why that is, because the sort of melancholic atmosphere that this Bostonian group are dealing with works remarkably well on a playlist that includes the likes of Isis, Deftones, Alcest, — pretty much everything and anything post-whatever related. Certainly an enjoyable band, but they never really stuck around for me for very long. Hopefully their new EP Days of the Fallen Sun will change that.

The group’s new single ‘Forgiving the Cleansing Meteor’ has been made available via Pitchfork, and it seems to follow in the footsteps of the group’s 2011 outing, Reports from the Threshold of Death. This track builds off of a melancholic guitar hook and carries through a Deftones-by-way-of-Ulver sort of sound before a climactic finale. Certainly more of a post-rock structured song than most of the tracks on their last record, so maybe the EP will make a lasting impression. The artwork sure is killer, at any rate.

If you’re having trouble dealing with Pitchdork’s temperamental audio player like I am, you can stream the track below. Days of the Fallen Sun will be out February 18th through Prosthetic Records.

[bandcamp width=100% height=142 album=1957997954 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=333333 tracklist=false artwork=small]

– JR

Jimmy Rowe

Published 11 years ago