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Marxthrone – Total Dialectics (Marxist black metal)
Apparently i missed these guys when they first hit the scene with 2018's Blaze in the Western Sky. The joke's still good though; better even, boasting an even better album title that the one before it and brandishing a jump in musical quality to match.
The actual content of Marxthrone's debut EP is surprisingly solid, but this full-length debut is downright impressive. Not only does Total dialectics contain some top tier black metal, but also showcases some superb H2m-drenched death metal, death doom and eventually even progressive metal as well. Penultimate track "Dialectics of Human Nature" is a clear standout, showcasing everything the record has to offer in a shockingly coherent ten-minute-long package, that begins wallowing in mournful blackened death metal sorrow before building to an expansive, cosmic prog metal conclusion, by was of some sexy bass solos and cheeky stab at Joe Rogan while they're at it. What's not to love (besides the Bourgeoisie)?
Ondfødt – Det Österbottniska Mörkret (thrashy black metal)
For those who like their black metal more serious and straightforward, there's the fourth album from Finland's Ondfødt, who I had never heard of either. Normally I like my black metal with a bit of a twist, but the frantic, thrash-infused take of these Norsemen has me hooked. The two new tracks on that Cradle of Filth album are also really good by the way, making it a pretty solid week for black metal all round and and surprisingly strong year for Finland as well, for those keeping score.
Lunar Chamber – Shambhallic Vibrations (progressive death metal)
And for those who like their extreme metal a touch brighter and more expansive, may I present to you Lunar Chamber, who practice a brand of classic progressive death metal with with an emphasis on the prog and lots of that good farty bass. These Georgeans aren't simply celebrating the past though. There's a lot here that reminds me of Rivers of Nihil and Autotheism-era The Faceless (which is the best Faceless album, btw), as much as it does old-school Death and Cynic records. I also just found out they share members with two of my favourite modern, progressive, extrememe metal bands in Tómarúm and The Ritual Aura, so that's cool too. Definitely one to keep an eye on.