Coming in scorching hot from sun-drenched, leather-skinned Pheonix today is Woundvac and their brand new EP, The Road Ahead. The grinding hardcore outfit have been mighty busy in the last few years, dropping demos, splits, EPs, and last year’s criminally overlooked LP Terrorizing The Swarm, and today we’ve got the chance to shove some more of their sweaty, gritty grindcore into your face. Got six minutes to spare and need something crisp and crushing to drown out your coworker’s inane stories about their dreams or how their kids have learned all fifty state capitals? Sure you do. Grab some sunglasses and press play, but only once you’ve applied an appropriate degree of SPF. You have been warned.
[bandcamp width=400 height=671 album=1481349521 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=true tracks=634926007,1156557483,1543954533,34415092,2018345241 esig=8bc3a259be0129f33e162927709af6aa]
This is a short dose of the kind of pulsing, pissed grind that genuine fans of extreme music should just stick on and pull a stank face to; beer-chugging and bong-ripping optional at this point, but advised from this point of view at least. The Road Ahead follows Woundvac’s thoroughly entertaining and wonderfully blast-filled LP from last year with much of the same gusto and grim-tinged ‘core. “The Last Nail” rolls through a set of bouncing grooves that scream loudly in homage to the glory days of Sepultura – and maybe Max Cavalera’s momentary project Nailbomb – before settling into a flurry of shifting gears. Woundvac don’t sound sun-soaked, far from it. The guitars and drums sound huge and powerful (even the snare rings nice and clear, with a suitably satisfying level of ping to it) and the final touches by Audiosiege carry the overarching level of professional, pulverizing sound that a crushing shot like The Road Ahead needs. Bass tone for days, too, if that’s your thing.
When the staccato bursts of artillery battering come to a sudden halt, you’re gonna want to run through this lovely little lashing of grind loveliness at least a few more times. Unlikely to convey any naysayers, Woundvac keep building on the promising, raw grind they showed on their earliest recording, and The Road Ahead seems paved with gold for this fiery group of grinders. Don’t stop here, and check out the rest of their sounds. If you don’t dig on them, then let me know. I promise I’ll take your opinion into consideration…
The Road Ahead is available this Friday but you can still preorder through the savage bastards at Corpse Flower Records. Go with grind, my children.