God damn. Not that this week needed any more hot content but if you’re reading this – strap on some fire-retardant headgear and dust off those white New Balance because Glasgow’s xServitudex bring the heat and the ass-slamming spin kicks aplenty. Yes, those are edge x’s and no, no one cares if you drink, smoke, or eat red meat, this isn’t about you but that doesn’t mean it ain’t for you. Anyone interested in spicy metalcore of the non-Autotune chorus variety should take heed of these young stallions and their cerebrally charged, plant-based punishment. On with the show, over the jump.
If you’re waiting for band comparisons to quickly determine whether or not to bother reading past this point, sorry. Chances are, the metalcore and hardcore bands that I’d determine suitable to compare xServitudex to wouldn’t mesh with the bands you’d pick and vice versa. Such is the overwhelmingly satisfying nature of the ‘core and metal elements in this young band’s sound, even those who don’t consider themselves fans of the genre(s) will find something comforting in the unfiltered, fiercely focused attitude on Bringing Your Hell. There’s unchecked hostility in the words and riffs on this EP; hostility that never becomes preachy or pushy too. It’s vegan edge metal, sure, but it’s heavier, nastier, and way more fun than your average red meat devouring Bandcamp find.
After a quick introduction en Francaise, xServitudex crack the whip on “L’Enfer”, introducing the hapless listener to their tight-as-a-Tory’s-pursestringg mix of battering ram riffs and stop-start shifts into crushing passages brimming with headbang hall of fame potential. There’s more than a nod to old school death metal and thrash on this cut too; the divebombs and thunderous gallops on”Wicked City” evoking days gone by and tunes from a time when the Internet was a lot slower and less congested with awful opinions and people calling each other names. “Wrathful Forms Emerge” is maybe more straightforward in it’s thumping approach, but is far from dull. Brief spoken word and “serene” chords drop out of the picture faster and harder than a deadbeat paternal figure, taking with them even more malice going into the final stretch of the EP. “Dark Nation” puts the finishing touches on a record with more rage and ragged riffs while closer “2002” declares loud and proud what xServitudex’s intentions are going forward. They will stand on your toes if you pause for breath.
Paying respect to bands across a multitude of genres, Bringing Your Hell never ceases. xServitudex have all the chops and riff-changing rowdiness to become a household name among fans of hard-hitting, homebrewed heaviness. Their latest EP sounds fantastic too. Every squeal, harmonic, and raw vocal is balanced perfectly against a backdrop of hi-fidelity hatred; something that a lot of the band’s you might want to compare this to did not have in their arsenal around the turn of the century. It’s this up-to-date delivery of a sound churning in the gutter of rock music for decades that makes this that extra bit special. Wholly addictive and wholly, well, wholesome, xServitudex mean to stick around and make sure that their voice is heard. I feel sorry for anyone who tries to stop them.