This week we don’t care, we’re going full cool people time! There’s some metal stuff at the end, including Rob Halford doing Judas Priest material with Babymetal live, new material from The Agonist, Allegaeon, Thy Catafalque, Korn, Thank You Scientist, A Million Dead Birds Laughing, Defeated Sanity and Mephistopheles. Also, Archspire are working on a new album! Check after the jump for more info on all the cool stuff we talk about.
40 – Cool People Time
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Show notes:
Intro/Outro – Aftermath/Closure, Just as Planned by NYN
With our audible trial, you can get an audiobook of one of the many books we talked about for free!
Brandon Sanderson:
Elantris, Warbreaker, Mistborn: The Final Empire, The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive), (also check out the White Sand graphic novel)
As a starting point, I recommend the Mistborn series, but if you want to read/listen to just one book, Elantris is pretty great as well.
Lev Grossman: The Magicians
Harlan Ellison: I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (narrated by Harlan himself!)
Steven Erikson: Gardens of the Moon (Malazan Book of the Fallen)
Roger Zelazny: Nine Princes in Amber (The Chronicles of Amber)
JRR Tolkien: duh
GRR Martin: duh
Furi on Steam (also free* on PS+ this month)
You can obviously get Overwatch and Starcraft 2 on