
EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: Let The Sentai Enter With A New Track From Pseudo/Sentai!

Happy Monday (and if you live in the US, happy Memorial Day)! Thanks for taking the time out of your day off to check out our blog today. Today, I’

9 years ago

Happy Monday (and if you live in the US, happy Memorial Day)! Thanks for taking the time out of your day off to check out our blog today. Today, I’m here to bring back a familiar face. In the past, I have covered Psuedo/Sentai before, when we did a premiere of one of their new songs from their last release. This time, I’m back to do the same thing, only with a new record and a new song! Check out “Enter The Sentai” below!

The song is pretty cool, and still has some cool prog flavors that I enjoy. I really like the way the song kinda sounds like an old swashbuckling tune with the way the cadence works. It sounds like an epic battle is about to commence, as if there’s people somewhere all mysteriously singing this song in unison prior to the big engagement where the heroes face the villain. It definitely suits the band, who take on larger than life personalities and become their three alter egos, which you can read about on their social media. The new album sounds promising, and I’m super stoked on it! Be sure to follow the band on Facebook and Bandcamp for more!

Heavy Blog

Published 9 years ago