
EXCLUSIVE: Come Inhale Boss Keloid’s “Lung Mountain”!

A few days ago, we reviewed Boss Keloid‘s Herb Your Enthusiasm, a massive, smoke-drenched, stoner/sludge creation that isn’t afraid of its own unique sound. We clued you

9 years ago

A few days ago, we reviewed Boss Keloid‘s Herb Your Enthusiasm, a massive, smoke-drenched, stoner/sludge creation that isn’t afraid of its own unique sound. We clued you in that the opening track, “Lung Mountain”, is one of the most successful examples of this audacity, featuring all the intoxicating elements which make this album great. Now, the band are kindly streaming this great track via SoundCloud and, just to sweeten the pot (heh, get it?) have thrown in a free download for our readers. That’s right, it’s exclusive download time! Head on down below to snag your track, click that little black arrow on the upper right hand side and spread the Boss!

Oh boy, this is a great opportunity to revisit this massive track. I simply can’t get enough of those opening bass lines, especially in context of the full album which comes out on April 8th (and is available for pre-order here). That bass line revisits us a few times during it. Pay close attention to the evocative vocals as well, where you can coax out the balance between leading and backing vocals that pretty much dominates the rest of the album.

Or, you know, don’t do all that. Instead, just pour/cook/roll your poison of choice, kick back that lazy-boy just another inch, crack a window for that early Spring breeze, and let the El Jefe Keloid take you away, take you away, take you away, now.

Eden Kupermintz

Published 9 years ago