
Antigama Stream New Album The Insolent In Full

Later today you can read our full review of Polish grindcore phenoms Antigama with their new album The Insolent. Before that however, take a minute (or thirty) to sit down

10 years ago


Later today you can read our full review of Polish grindcore phenoms Antigama with their new album The Insolent. Before that however, take a minute (or thirty) to sit down and use your grey matter to appreciate and comprehend just how nuts this album is. From someone who has been listening to it on the reg for a couple of weeks now, I could rant and rave about why you need to check this out. I ain’t gonna though, so head over the jump to check it out yourself sports fans!

Thank us later, but for now you should thank Invisible Oranges for hosting the official stream of this overdriven, ear splitting release. It’s as catchy as it is corrosive and should be held in the same breath as some of the terrific grind releases we have already seen and are waiting patiently for later this year. 2014 might have been the year of tech death but Antigama are doing their best to help make 2015 the year of hyper grind (that’s a thing, trust me).

The Insolent is out today on Selfmadegod Records. Pick up your copy in whichever form you so desire at this location.


Matt MacLennan

Published 10 years ago