
Cult Leader Lead Us To Their New EP, Useless Animal

Cult Leader are one of those bands that defy hype and expectation. Their debut EP Nothing For Us Here still continues to blow my mind and pull me into some

10 years ago


Cult Leader are one of those bands that defy hype and expectation. Their debut EP Nothing For Us Here still continues to blow my mind and pull me into some strange, dark places; places that not many bands can get anywhere near. The Salt Lake City band are now taking orders for their upcoming three track EP, Useless Animal. What more needs said? Hop on over the jump and find the preorder links, a fresh stream for a track off the EP, and more well deserved praise and excitement.

Seriously, Heavy Blog will probably stop work en masse when this is released. Featuring two new tracks and a cover featuring members of Subrosa, this may be your favorite EP of 2015. This bands feral exploitation of noise and distortion makes for terrifyingly addictive music, so much so that I fully intend on fist fighting whoever I need to just to ensure that I get to listen to this. The old tale about the phoenix from the ashes is 100% relevant here, regards Gaza and Cult Leader. All you need to do is listen to the track above, “You Are Not My Blood” to have that message drive far, far into your brain.

Preorder the EP here in one of many fetching color variants. It will be released on June 16th through the omnipotent Deathwish Inc. Listen to Nothing For Us Here below, just in case you needed a bit more persuasion to follow the Cult Leader.


Matt MacLennan

Published 10 years ago