San Francisco “dark music” label The Flenser released some of the most noteworthy experimental music of last year. New albums from White Suns, Have a Nice Life, Planning for Burial, Botanist, Wreck & Reference, Mamaleek and Kayo Dot covered a broad range of genres and all helped to establish The Flenser as one of the most eclectic and exciting labels out there right now. This trend seems to be one that will continue into the new year, with a solid handful of announced releases that include Valis, the full-length debut from one-man San Franciscan black metal project Mastery. The album has been described by the label as a “Form of free jazz black metal—twisted and complex, with upwards of 100 riffs per song,” a description proved by the release of the albums opening track, “V.A.L.I.S.V.E.S.S.E.L.” Head past the jump to hear the chaos for yourself:
“V.A.L.I.S.V.E.S.S.E.L.” is easily one of the least welcoming openers in black metal history (not that the genre is know for its pleasantries, but I digress). The track is an eighteen-minute monstrosity rife with improvised black metal chaos that straddles the line between exhausting and genius. If this is just the first track on the album, one can only imagine what the remainder of the tracklisting will have to offer. Valis will be released on February 17th and can be pre-ordered on vinyl here.