As we near the release of their Juggernaut, Periphery release another crumb of music our way. This prog band is definitely trying something different. Periphery’s new track released today and ‘The Scourge’, released last month, are setting a new tone for their upcoming album and both of its parts.
The Bad Thing is somewhat reminiscent of standard late-2000’s metal bands at local venues. You know, those bands that sounded… pretty alright. Nothing spectacular enough to have you humming this tune on the way out of the venue. It’s good to hear Spencer Sotelo’s singing is as on point as it ever has been, but the rest of the composition of this particular track leaves something to be desired. Good thing Periphery is already a familiar name and this isn’t our first taste of the band. Hopefully, the best of this release is yet to come. These crumbs don’t quite do the band justice.
– CN