After twelve years of unpleasant silence, industrial metal pioneers Godflesh have finally consummated their 2010 reunion with A World Lit Only By Fire, their sixth full-length record and first since the release of Hymns in 2001. The album was officially released yesterday and may be streamed/purchased on the band’s Bandcamp page. Check it after the jump!
From the first track, it becomes clear the phrase “return to form” must have been mentioned by Justin Broaderick (Vocals/Guitar/Programming) and G.C. Green (Bass/Programming) when they reconvened in the studio. AWLOBF provides a dense, filthy approach comparable to their debut Streetcleaner, providing an experience that can be enjoyed by any fan of a good auditory sledgehammer.
For fans of the band or newcomers that want to here an elder-statesmen comeback done well, this is the must-hear album of the week.