The Doom Revival. Get on board or be left in the purple smoke of wheels churning the dust of dreams into your face. Releases from Thou, Yob and Pallbearer and countless more have fully cemented this year as a time filled with an emotionally fresh take on doom. Into the slow, slow fray enter newcomers Usnea. Not only have they announced details of their Relapse Records release but they are also streaming a 14-minute long track. Head on over the jump for the track and the full release details.
Oh my. At its heaviest, this track lives in the deep caverns of sound that house Yob, especially in the vocals departments. Some of these growls, specifically around the seven minute mark, are so freaking low they almost act as another bass instrument. In the quiet parts, particularly the one beginning around the four minute mark, the band draw on more melancholic vibes reminiscent of Pallbearer. In short, this release sounds to be a worthy addition to the Doom Revival, spinning both heavyness and melancholy into that mix we’ve grown to love.
Not only that, but it comes fully merched from the boys and gals over at Relapse. Check out he full release below for all the goodies!
[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/RelapseRecords/photos/a.73918645358.108375.9124265358/10152694754195359/?type=1&theater/” width=”550″/]