So we had a lot of fun last week posting some of the 3×3 collages of what we’re really listening to.  We’ll get a prog

10 years ago


So we had a lot of fun last week posting some of the 3×3 collages of what we’re really listening to.  We’ll get a prog metal celeb’s take after the jump.

This week we asked Austin Rupp, the drummer for Heavy Blog prog favorites White Arms of Athena. While Austin doesn’t actually use, we used the engine to build a 3×3 of the records he’s been listening to.


They are:

9. Code Orange KidsI am King
8. The Dillinger Escape PlanOne of us is the Killer
7. Wu-Tang ClanEnter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
6. The Mars VoltaNoctourniquet
5. Every Time I DieFrom Parts Unknown
4. Danny BrownOld
3. IntronautHabitual Levitations
2. Animals as LeadersJoy of motion
1. Minus the BearInfinity Overhead

We still want to see your 3×3’s. Post them in comments here or on our Facebook page or tag #HeavyBlogisHeavy on Instagram.  And check out my boss Jimmy Rowe’s recent piece on the new White Arms album here.

Heavy Blog

Published 10 years ago