The anticipation surrounding drone legends Earth’s upcoming release has never been greater. In the wake of the last track released and the announcement of a US tour, it is clear that the band are set to change their style once again. This time, the return of vocals, a position which was once occupied by none other than Kurt Cobain, marks another shift in this ever changing tsunami of sound and drone. Today, that wait ends, as the entire album is now available for streaming on its release day. Head on over the jump to do so!
[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=4020844749 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]
I’ve been jamming the press release of this album for a while now so I can safely tell you that it’s amazing. The addition of both male and female vocals on two tracks does absolute wonders for the music and that department doesn’t disappoint either. It remains to be seen whether this album can surpass the masterpiece that is The Bee’s Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull but it certainly ranks way up there with the best of Earth’s discography. Tune in, zone out, safe travels.