A while ago we were rejoiced to find out that Arjen Anthony Lucassen, virtuoso producer and master coordinator, will team up with the ever-brilliant Anneke van Giersbergen for a future project. Our hearts skipped a beat at the thought of what the two talents could pull off together, especially when Lucassen’s excellent track record with female vocalists is brought into play. Finally, more details have surfaced regarding the project we now know will be called The Gentle Storm. Check out the full details after the jump!
[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/annekevangiersbergenofficial/photos/a.10150122680109216.299967.17778084215/10152689354524216/?type=1&theater/” width=”550″/]
Not much more to add folks except to urge you to go and follow all those social media outlets. I’m sure more information will emerge soon, including perhaps some material from the album. We’re excited!