The enigmatic female-fronted post-black metal act Myrkur is back at the plate this week with a new track from her upcoming Relapse Records self-titled debut. The track, ‘Latvian Fegurð’, is in the same vein as the previously released ‘Nattens Barn,‘ — a refreshingly feminine take on the post-black metal sound, complete with an angelic choral vocal style that provides some much-needed idiosyncrasy. Check out the stream below.
Streogum’s article accompanying the song stream poses some questions about the authenticity in Myrkur’s mysterious background, and implies that the artist and Relapse Records are involved in some “catfishing” scheme. That is to say, rumor has it that Myrkur is a side-project of a Danish-born synthpop artist currently living in NYC, and Myrkur is not what it is presented as being.
Assuming all that’s true, many will likely be quick to shout “sellout” and question Relapse’s reliability and trustworthiness. I think the fact that Myrkur’s identity is still uncertain and that the record isn’t openly touted as being a side project from a pop artist is proof enough that the parties involved aren’t interested in making money. Being a sellout hinges on money being an end goal. Let’s make no mistake; there’s not going to be a lot of money to be made out of this project. Seems to me that this is an honest endeavor from an artist who would prefer that her music be judged on the merits of the music itself as an artform instead of whatever unrelated projects she’s also involved in. Imagine that.
Needless to say, Myrkur gets our seal of approval. If interested, pre-order the debut EP over at Relapse. Myrkur will be out September 16th.
– JR