Out of left field. Wholly unprepared. Complete surprise. These are just some of the expressions that are running through my head as I sit down to write this post. Sure, we’ve talked about this band before, featuring Ever Forthright members, but we didn’t have much to go on back then. Well, the shroud of humor and mystery has been lifted and underneath it lies…something truly bizarre and amazing. I’m honestly not sure that words can describe the track that sits before us, or the eerie video that accompanies it, so why don’t you just head on after the jump and give it a listen yourself? That’s probably best.
The track opens with some amazing vocals by a guest vocalist, layered over off-key piano that really sets the tone for the rest of the piece. To be perfectly honest, I hate snails so the imagery in the video set my skin crawling. Which was perfect for what was to come. The track finally kicks off with tilting piano work, accentuated by jazzy drums and bass that fill everything out completely. The rest 9 minutes or so remaining on the track go everywhere: jazz, metal, progressive, rock, you name it, this track has it. And it’s just one track! Needless to say, this album is high on our To Watch Closely list for the second half of 2014. If it’s anything close to this level of musicianship, we can guarantee that it will be stellar.
The album is set to be self titled and while there’s no release date yet, you can head over here to pre-order it.