
Meet Stimpy Lockjaw, Featuring Members Of Ever Forthright

Think you know what jazz is? Because we don’t. That’s the tag-line to this new unveiled project, Stimpy Lockjaw, featuring members of Ever Forthright. Lead guitarist Nick Llerandi

11 years ago

think you know jazz

Think you know what jazz is? Because we don’t.

That’s the tag-line to this new unveiled project, Stimpy Lockjaw, featuring members of Ever Forthright. Lead guitarist Nick Llerandi and keyboard player Kevin Theodore have teamed up with Zach Marks, resurrecting a project that apparently had it’s roots formed way back in 2009 that aims to put jazz and fusion under the lens, à la T.R.A.M and Planet X.

A whole host of teaser videos and rehearsal footage can be found at the bands new YouTube page, but here’s a couple that give you a real insight into the sound they’re aiming for here:


There’s a lot of jazzercising going on here and it’s sounding pretty great, so I’m pretty interested to see how this all pans out. But, in case I miss it, which seems to be a reoccurring theme lately, follow the band on Facebook for more precise updates!

– DL

Heavy Blog

Published 11 years ago