
Alex Rüdinger is Acting on Impulse

By now the versatile talent that is Alex Rüdinger should be well known. From this time with Threat Signal through his work with The Faceless and right up to his

11 years ago


By now the versatile talent that is Alex

Rüdinger should be well known. From this time with Threat Signal through his work with The Faceless and right up to his recent work with Conquering Dystopia, Rüdinger is hailed as one of the best drummers in the field. Apparently, the man can also sing! Is there something he can’t do? Yesterday Rüdinger announced a new project of his called Acting on Impulse and released a three and a half minute long teaser to accompany the announcement. You can check it out in full right after the jump.

Accompanying Rüdinger will be Greg Macklin, who played bass while on tour with Conquering Dystopia. Rüdinger himself has stated that this will be a side project first and foremost with him focusing mainly on vocals and not drums. From the teaser it certainly sounds like he is up to spec, displaying impressive capabilites in both the low and high ranges. Time will tell if Acting on Impulse will display a whole new range for this already versatile man.


Eden Kupermintz

Published 11 years ago