
Be A Part Of The New Ziltoid Record!

It’s fair to say that more than a few of us here at Heavy Blog are pretty excited about the prospect of Z2, the follow up to Devin Townsend‘

11 years ago

devin townsend project ziltoid

It’s fair to say that more than a few of us here at Heavy Blog are pretty excited about the prospect of Z2, the follow up to Devin Townsend‘s coffee-based space opera Ziltoid The Omniscient. But what could be better than just recieving the record? Well, taking part in it, as Hevy Devy has now set up a new site so that you can add your vocals to three different tracks on the record.

Townsend also gave a statement explaining the process, as well as the video you see below:

“Hey all, Ziltoid 2 is upon us! I’m deep in the recording of this double album, and as part of the theme, Ziltoid the alien joins forces with the humans…and what better way to express that then to invite you all to sing along? The ‘Universal Choir’ is a platform in which vocal parts are explained, and then provides you a way to upload your singing contributions that we will edit together into one, big choir! The parts are a little tricky but perfection is not required, just enthusiasm. Feel free to overdub yourself, get a bunch of friends together or just yell along. The bigger, the better. Send it back and we will then assemble the ‘Universal Choir’ which will actually be part of the new recording. It should be fun! (Or a total chaotic mess  but let’s try either way! The website, (which works best if it’s not on a mobile device), explains all the parts, with demonstrations and backing tracks. The hope is that a lot of people will upload themselves singing the parts, and then we assemble it and add it to the record. Come sing on Ziltoid’s album, and have a great time!”

The site is available to peruse for yourself here, under the name of Universal Choir, and gives not only instructions of how to get involved and the process of getting your vocals on the record, but also some samples of the record.

Naturally, everything sounds huge and bombastic — a mixture of introspective ‘Solar Winds‘-esque beauty and some more immediate and grandiose sections. Including a piece that was part of the Ziltoid radio show that you may remember us posting about a while back.

Needless to say, we’ll update as more information comes.

– DL

Heavy Blog

Published 11 years ago