
GWARbar? Please and Thank You!

No one can stop the profanity spewing train wreck that is GWAR, not even the tragic loss of one of their most beloved members. Still much in power, GWAR now

11 years ago


No one can stop the profanity spewing train wreck that is GWAR, not even the tragic loss of one of their most beloved members. Still much in power, GWAR now look to expand their interstellar dominion into the field of food and drink by opening a GWAR themed restaurant in, where else, Richmond, Virginia. The entire thing will be orchestrated by none other than BalSac

the Jaws ‘o Death and will house GWAR beer, GWAR BBQ sauce and as much meat as you can get into a rather large human-flesh grinder.

Last but not least, GWAR are seeking crowd funding for this ambitious project and are now accepting donations via IndieGoGo. Perks for donors include  one-time free entry, t-shirts and even a personal cooking class with BalSac himself! This place is certain to be magnificent in all its GWAR-y glory, stacked chock full of fan favorites and headed by a key member of the band. Get over and throw your money at the screen as fast as you can so that we might get to live in a world that has a GWAR themed bar. What a time to be alive.


Eden Kupermintz

Published 11 years ago