
Listen to Fallujah’s ‘Sapphire’

Fallujah‘s name does not need any introduction. It’s debatable whether a more recognized and followed young act exists in the metal community today. They are unique not only

11 years ago


Fallujah‘s name does not need any introduction. It’s debatable whether a more recognized and followed young act exists in the metal community today. They are unique not only for their relentless and fresh sound but also for the structure of their past releases. Their EP, Nomadic, has all but wiped away their first album’s name, creating a singular expectation for their next release, The Flesh Prevails. Now, said expectations are certain to spike again as Fallujah release a new song from the upcoming album.

‘Sapphire’ is certainly setting the bar high for the rest of the release. It opens with breakneck blast-beats, robust and austere, that serve as the foundation for some of the best vocals passages we’ve heard this year. The slew of hypnotic death metal continues right up to the final passage, finally making way for a beautiful closing section. The guitars wax poignant behind one of the catchiest riffs in recent memory as it leads us right out of this truly stunning track. Get over to MetalSucks and stream ‘Sapphire’ in full.

The Flesh Prevails releases on July 22 via Unique Leader Records.


Eden Kupermintz

Published 11 years ago