Alaya have been the recipients of a great deal of praise from many sources (us included), being a formerly-innocuous three-piece act from the heart of Chicago playing huge-sounding, technically-inclined progressive metal with high-range vocals to make even the most fierce Coheed and Cambria fans jump ship. And now, our babies are grown up. Their debut album, Thrones, is a gem among progressive acts (stream) and was worth the wait having been in a sort of sonic limbo for two years since its announcement in 2012.
Of course, we were thrilled when they announced a show at a little bar in the heart of downtown Chicago. In support, we have Chicago Thrash Ensemble led by Jimmy Dunn, Alaya’s Evan Dunn‘s brother, and Balls Aldrin, a skate/hardcore three-piece. Please enjoy the photos!
Balls Aldrin
Chicago Thrash Ensemble
For more from this photographer, visit Kyle Gaddo on Flickr.