Lord Mantis
a couple of years back, you missed out on one of the filthiest and sludgiest black metal records in recent memory. Thankfully though, there’s time to repent, as the group are readying their new album, entitledDeath Mask
, for later this year on April 15th through Profound Lore.And, the general rule of thumb is, a sickeningly heavy album needs sickeningly heavy artwork to accompany it. Death Mask aims for something a little more memorable though. It’s distinctly NSFW, so jump in at your own risk.

, other than the more obvious parts of it, it’s definitely got that dense unnerving atmosphere about it. But hey, the last record I listened to with a huge dong on the front was pretty great, so maybe they’re on to something.Either way, this will be one of the filthiest records to see the grim light of day this year so don’t miss out.
– DL