The first big discovery for me in 2014, comes from Chicago based death metal unit Warforged, who posted samples of their upcoming and quite honestly crushing new EP Essence Of The Land to the Heavy Blog Facebook page, around the tail end of last year. It’s been a while since I’ve gone back to a teaser video more than a couple of times, but I was hooked on this one and chomping at the bit to see what the band would do next.
And, in the interest of subverting all of my expectations, the band went ahead and released a twelve minute long music video, showcasing the streamlined and seamless transitions between three of the four songs on the EP. I’ll cut to the point — it’s fucking great.
From ultra-precise death metal through to frostbitten tremolo picking and every point in between, the ‘Essence Of The Land‘ suite is one hell of a journey, but one with enough twists and turns and deafeningly heavy riffs and solos to more than justify it’s length. The video itself is fairly sparse, comprising mostly of performance footage spliced with various other shots, but the addition of lyrics is a nice touch — the EP looks set to be concept based and there’s some really evocative imagery being preached here.
Essence Of The Land is available now through Total Deathcore, with physical copies coming January 24th. You can pick it up via the Bandcamp player below.
Just under a week into 2014 and it’s already looking great!
– DL