I actually hate making lists, and truth be told I hardly listen to records the year they come out. I’m still stuck in 2005 when metalcore was still worth listening to. But I managed to throw together what I think is a good summary of both my personal tastes and what I found worth listening to this year. Enjoy the thing and praise lil b
10. Counterparts – The Difference Between Hell And Home
For a Hundredth rip-off it’s fun and Brendan is capable of writing lyrics that always hit home.
9. Sworn In – The Death Card
Ignorant angry lyrics written by what seems to be a 12 year-old suburban emo kid against ignant metalcore riffs. The Death Card is incredibly fun, catchy and plenty memorable. Needs more trains.
8. August Burns Red – Rescue and Restore
ABR, again, has put out a solid metalcore album, but it appears that “solid” is the best they can do. Incredibly fun and easy to listen to, but pales in comparison even when compared to their older records.
7. The Story So Far – What You Don’t See
Parker can write some super catchy lyrics and TSSF are always a treat to see live. Gotta love misogyny and pop punk.
6. Norma Jean – Wrongdoers
Norma Jean is incapable of putting out a bad record and Wrongdoers is no exception. It’s fast, aggressive and everything you expect from a Norma Jean record. Simply fantastic.
5. The Wonder Years – The Greatest Generation

Soupy has, once again, managed to capture every emotion I’ve ever felt in my entire life and create another fantastic record with it. If you need me I’ll be in my room crying to it again.
4. Death Grips – Government Plates

3. Misery Signals – Absent Light

I have waited for this record since the release of Controller back in 2009. Misery Signals is the embodiment of everything metalcore is and should be, and this album is brilliant start to finish. It’s no Of Malice and the Magnum Heart, but it’s pretty damn close.
2. The Dillinger Escape Plan – One Of Us Is The Killer

TDEP have proven again and again that they are masters of their genre and capable of creating a beautifully melodic and completely chaotic record all in one. One Of Us Is The Killer is the perfect blend of melodic and chaotic, and is nothing short of a masterpiece.
1. Defeater – Letters Home

Words can’t describe how beautiful this record is. Letters Home tells the story of a young soldier who loses his brother. The emotions conveyed in these lyrics are overwhelming, and paint the clearest of pictures in your mind. Letters Home is a heartbreaking story that needed to be told.
– KP