
EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: Third Time Is The Charm With Lower Automation's "Hookworm"

That's right; this is the third time we're premiering something from Lower Automation! And you know why? You guessed it - it's because they rule

9 months ago

That's right; this is the third time we're premiering something from Lower Automation! And you know why? You guessed it - it's because they rule. Don't believe me? Just scroll on down to check out "Hookworm". It comes to us from the band's upcoming EP, Welcome to Your Deathbed, which drops May 20th. It's another dark, twisted, and noisy work from these mathcore weirdos, and continues their tradition of writing tight, convulsing music that paints a harsh but rich picture with its sound. Head on down below to check it out in full!

Ah yes, this is definitely Lower Automation. The track starts off with this post-punk sort of off-kilter rhythm, lending itself to the dark nature of the lyrics and the crumbling world (that is, our world) that they portray. Hints of heavier noise are scattered through out but it's not until the track's explosive outro that this tendency erupts into full bloom, sending the song careening into its feedback and static laden death throes. Overall, like all of the band's past work, the track leaves you with a sense of urgent despondency, a desperation that's hard to locate and track down.

Head on over to the band's Bandcamp here to pre-order this sharp, fierce EP. It releases May 20th via the incomparable Zegema Beach Records. Oh, and while you're here, why not catch Lower Automation on tour? Here are the dates:

5/25 - Des Moines, IA - Lefty’s 
5/26 - Kansas City, MO - Farewell 
5/27 - Tulsa, OK -  Whittier Bar
5/28 - Austin, TX - Chess Club
5/29 - Denton, TX  - Andy’s 
5/30 - Memphis, TN - Haven Haus*
5/31 - Paducah, KY - Paducah Beer Works*
6/1 - Evansville, IN - Lamasco’s*
6/2 - Indianapolis, IN - Healer*
6/15 - Chicago, IL - Not Not (EP Release Show)*with Yoky

OK, good talk, see you out there, raise Hell, praise Dale!

Eden Kupermintz

Published 9 months ago