
EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: Cave Moth Burst Into Sound With "In Memoria Aeterna"

I had heard the name Cave Moth prior to writing this premiere but this is the first time I've really dug in and I'm glad I did so

This is the year where I get into weirder, more experimental screamo and hardcore, apparently. I had heard the name Cave Moth prior to writing this premiere but this is the first time I've really dug in and I'm glad I did so. "In Memoria Aeterna", the track we're premiering today, is chock full of an interesting blend eerie blackgaze, hardcore, screamo and maybe even a bit of grind. The sort-of-title-track is also a good indicator of where the entire upcoming EP, In Memory Eternal, is coming from, as it dives deeper and deeper (or spins out faster and faster) into all of these territories. For now though, this exploration of the style stands on its own, as you can hear for yourself right below!

I think my favorite thing about this track is the unique blend of the abrasive, desperate screamo vocal and the cleaner, shoegaze-y, dejected voice that accompanies them. They both channel the sort of faded out fatigue that the album cover implies, channeling regret, nostalgia, and resigned anger. Add to that the bright, diffuse guitars, and the scattered, frenetic drums and you have yourself a whirlwind of a track, and one which seems to scatter as such storms to do towards the end. By the time the trills and static of the track's outro leave you, you are left with a taste in your mouth of missed potential and pent up, impotent anger, which is what experimental heavy music of this sort should leave you with.

The EP, as I mentioned earlier, explores these themes and influences throughout its short but furious runtime. Make sure to head on over to the band's (prolific and strange) Bandcamp page to pre-order this one.

Eden Kupermintz

Published a year ago