Greetings duelists and welcome back to Flash of the Blade! It’s 2022! Everything is different and yet, the absolute fucking same. Those who are killing us and destroying the planet have names and addresses and the solution to their tyranny is simple. Don’t remember what this column is about? Luckily, it’s easy to remind you: this column is about short releases that go hard. Also, swearing. Which genres are included? Fuck genres. If it goes hard and if it goes fast and if it doesn’t waste any time doing either of that, it can end up here. OK? OK. Let’s fucking get to it.

Maule – Maule (38:31 of heavy metal alacrity). Yeah, I said fucking alacrity. Problem? No problem. Listen to Maule. This album has all of the glorious riffs, solos, and galloping drums you wish (read: I wish) Iron Maiden still had. If, like me, you yearn for the glory of days of Killers, that kind of fast-paced, almost punk infused heavy metal, or you just want an album with plenty of notes, swords, rituals, and excellent vocals, then this album is for you. It even has a Maule, Maule, “Maule” track on it, just like Iron Maiden’s “Iron Maiden” from the album Iron Maiden. And honestly, if you don’t want these things, then what are you doing reading this post?
Deathhammer – Electric Warfare (42:44 of nuclear warfare). On one hand, these guys are the sort of groups that should need no introduction; they’ve been released blackened thrash metal for the last 15 years and are one of the leading forces within that sub-genre. On the other hand, it’s a relatively niche genre and so you guys might not be aware of them. I am here to fix that. That number says “42:44” and you might think that’s a bit long for Flash of the Blade but just hit play on this one. I’m sure you’ll soon be dissuaded of the idea that this is filled with anything else but the most blistering riffs imaginable.
Voidceremony – At the Periphery of Human Realms (9:39 of anti-human death metal). The kings of murky, abrasive death metal are back and this little EP continues their tradition of making the absolute filthiest and most crushing of death metal. But, once again, their music is set apart by the fact that it’s not as fucking boring as the rest of this sub-genre can be. Instead, Voidceremony excel at making music that’s crushing, nihilistic, and bleak while also injecting it with plenty of dynamic song-writing and execution.