It’s not often, or at all, now that I think on it, that we cover album re-releases. We like to bring you guys new stuff that you might not have encountered and something about an upcoming, underground release just gets my blood boiling. But, from time to time, there are excellent releases that we only uncover when they release for the second time. Such one release is Beekeeper‘s Slaves to the Nothing. These San Diego natives play a form of thrash/death that is incredibly hard to resist. Slaves to the Nothing is chock-full of super killer riffs, excellent drumming, and amazing vocals, which all blend together to create a mix between Death and Slayer, graced with just enough heavy metal to keep things buoyant and fiercely energetic. Head on down below to stream the full thing; it sees re-release (together with some killer merch) tomorrow!
There are many great tracks on the album but can I direct your attention to the fourth one, “Vegeta”? Yeah, that Vegeta. I think. Anyway, listen to the monstrous riff that dominates the center of the track; boy, does it go! The drums are also excellent, as I said above, staying agile but direct in support of the guitars. Lastly, the vocals are the perfect companion to the rest of the instruments; their abrasive is high-pitch and intensely exciting, while they are also prone to explore cleaner tones and even higher screams (like near the end of “Vegeta”) which add a lot of flair to the overall sound.
Bottom line, what’s not to like? This is metal played fast, furious, and with intent, scorching its way across this rager of an album. Keep an eye on these guys; we’re very excited to see what they come up with next! In the meantime, you can head on over to their Bandcamp to grab Slaves to the Nothing!